I live for uncompromising Sunsets and I seek like minded individuals that share my enthusiasm. My lavish Gatsby Fantasy parties feature Manhassett Bay and its rich history and unparalleled beauty with a backdrop of the most spectacular Sunsets that even left F. Scott Fitzgerald speechless;-) Originating from Port Washington, NY my parties are anywhere from 2-3 hours and feature a stylish and pleasant trip around Manhassett Bay, The Western Part of Long Island Sound and features all the beauty, historical backdrop and romance you would envision coming from a place where F. Scott Fitzgerald was so greatly inspired. So come on down and join me. J.
Hello! I am J. Gatsby and this is my party, and you are invited! I started The Gatsby Water and Polo Club so that I can have my friends enjoy my lavish Gold Coast parties. I host parties on Manhasset Bay, NY (Water) and around the Gold Coast, on Land (Polo). As The Gatsby Water and Polo Club we charter yachts and prestigious venues castles, villas etc. and throw lavish parties with special