FICA New York came together, under the inspiration and guidance of Mestre Jurandir, in early 2005, as a group of FICA students who sought to continue working within the art as it had been passed to them. We've had a great deal of support from the entire FICA family, and we're grateful to have such wonderful friends, teachers and mentors. Our aim is to grow in and care for the art, while embracing the values and social ethics of our lineage.
FICA (International Capoeira Angola Foundation) New York is a Capoeira Angola study group. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form. A combination of music, movement and history, born of the struggle for liberation by African peoples brought to the new world. Within this beautiful endeavor students explore a range of possibilities through dance, acrobatics, instrumental and vocal music. Capoeira also proves itself a remarkable medium for the teaching of community building, social justice, and diaspora studies. It is a self-esteem and confidence builder which develops the connection between mind and body, allowing us to recognize our capacity to physically realize even abstract ideas.