E.A.K. Ramen, also known as Machida Shoten in Japan, is a global ramen franchise that originated in Machida City in 2008. With a focus on the unique IEKEI style of ramen, which combines Tonkotsu and Shoyu flavors, E.A.K. Ramen has expanded to various locations worldwide, including Japan, Los Angeles, New York, Taiwan, and the Philippines.
Renowned for its thick broth made from a blend of chicken and pork, E.A.K. Ramen offers a diverse menu featuring signature dishes like the Oh So Hot Zebra, Go Green Green House, and Tokyo Chicken. Celebrating its 5th anniversary, this popular ramen spot has garnered attention from Zagat, Eater NY, and the New York Daily News, and continues to provide customers with a delicious and authentic ramen experience.
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