Chang Ning Corporation, based in New York City, is a renowned restaurant that has been a prominent figure in the city's dining scene for over three decades. Founded by David and Karen Waltuck, the restaurant, known as Chanterelle, revolutionized downtown fine dining with its unique concept and location in SoHo and later in TriBeCa. With a strong emphasis on art and culture, Chanterelle featured the works of esteemed artists, photographers, musicians, and writers on its seasonal menus, creating a truly immersive dining experience.
Throughout its history, Chanterelle collaborated with designer Bill Katz to curate an impressive collection of menu covers, showcasing the talent of both established and emerging artists. The menus, printed by American Menu Printing, were highly sought after, with only a limited number of copies available for the public. In addition to its culinary offerings, Chanterelle also published cookbooks, including "Chanterelle: The Story and Recipes of a Restaurant Classic" and "Staff Meals from Chanterelle," further cementing its legacy as a beloved institution in the New York City dining scene.
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