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Horiba Scientific
HORIBA Scientific offerings encompass elemental analysis, fluorescence, Forensics, ICP, particle characterization, Raman, spectral ellipsometry, sulfur-in-oil, water quality and XRF. Prominent absorbed brands include Jobin Yvon, IBH, SPEX, Instruments S.A, ISA, Dilor, Sofie, SLM and Beta Scientific. Combining the strengths of the research, development, applications, sales, service and support organizations of its constituent companies, HORIBA Scientific is able to supply researchers with the best products and solutions, and build on its reputation for superior service and support with a truly global network. HORIBA Scientific has offices in 22 countries and maintains an extended network of experienced distributors covering all others. Worldwide manufacturing sites and multiple sales, service, and applications offices mean improved local support in all markets.