Menard Acupuncture
HistoryMenard Acupuncture (MAc) is a clinic for pain relief using integrative acupuncture and physical medicine specializing in sports injuries, chronic pain, and stress-related conditions. My approach is to not only treat the injury, but to work with the patient to restore balance and harmony in their body, mind, and spirit to truly promote healing and sustained health. The style with which I practice is a blend of the following schools of thought and based in the classics: -Acupuncture Physical Medicine (APM) and Myofascial Trigger Point release -Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) -Kiiko Matsumoto (KM) -Japanese Meridian-Based Acupuncture Treatments for pain relief combine acupuncture with other tools of classic Chinese healing modalities including: -Zheng Gu Tuina and body mobilizations, -Moxibustion,Cupping, Guasha -Qigong exercises for alignment and injury rehabilitation, -External herbal applications -Meditation/Mindfulness-Based Stress Reducing ExercisesSpecialtiesMenard Acupuncture (MAc) is Sports Medicine Acupuncture certified specializes in sports injuries, chronic pain, and stress-related conditions combining Classical and Traditional philosophies with modern acupuncture and sports medicine techniques. Rates: New Patient, 80 minutes $225 Existing Patient, 50 minutes $175