Bed Bug Detectives & Advisors provides outstanding service to our clients, from individuals to large businesses. Independent of extermination companies, our client-centered approach focuses on matching elimination methods to each case. Established in 2011, we have built solid professional relationships with a diverse range of bed bug prep, extermination and disposal services and keep up to date with consumer and professional products and techniques. We have been successful in helping coop boards and management companies resolve persistent bed bug issues in their buildings. Our canines and handlers participate in the intensive training course offered at J&K Canine Academy and we test with our canines for NESDCA certification regularly.
We are an independent company with one mission: to detect the presence or absence of live bed bugs and viable eggs with our bed bug dogs, Archie and Hercules. Canine scent detection is widely recognized as one the most accurate and effective tools for detecting bed bugs in the home or workplace. Early detection by our friendly, professional and discreet teams can save you the headache and expense of a full scale extermination and knowing you are bed bug free will give you priceless peace of mind. We take the time to listen to you and answer all your questions before, during and after our visit. Our canine teams will give your home a thorough and accurate inspection. Clients receive a detailed electronic report of our findings and we are always available to provide you with any advice or referrals you may need post-inspection.