Baker Academy is a unique school-age program in Lackawanna, NY, catering to students from kindergarten through sixth grade who have serious emotional or behavioral challenges. With a dedicated and caring staff trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, the academy offers structured educational services and skill-building programs, focusing on individualized plans that enhance self-esteem and autonomy. Their ultimate goal is to reintegrate students into their home school districts, and they provide related services such as occupational, physical, and speech therapy.
Conveniently located in two locations, Buffalo and Lackawanna, Baker Academy operates with a student-teacher-aide ratio of 6:1:2, ensuring a supportive classroom environment. Through a team-based approach and positive behavioral intervention systems, the academy aims to improve academic performance by reducing problem behaviors. With special courses in music, technology, art, and physical education, Baker Academy offers a comprehensive educational experience for students with unique needs.
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