Located in the heart of Midwood, Brooklyn, NYC, Our bagels are boiled and baked to perfection the same way they were made back in the early 1900's. Our recipe for the bagels are from generations of yesteryear and all our bagels are hand rolled and been tested to be the softest bagels in NYC. We have 15 different varieties and are thinking of expanding to more possibilities. Presently we have bagels in the following flavors: Plain,Poppy,Sesame,Onion,Garlic,Everything.Salt,Egg,Multigrain, Cinnamon Raisin, Black Russian, Blueberry, Chocolate Chip, Whole Wheat,Whole Wheat Everything
Wholesale & Retail Bagel Shop Catering is our Specialty Bagel Platters Fish Platters Cheese Platters Asst Dip Platters