Angel Dark Productions is a Bronx-based company founded by Alex Simmons, a renowned writer, playwright, and actor. With a diverse range of services, including writing, guest speaking, voiceovers, and workshops, Simmons is dedicated to inspiring and educating individuals in the creative arts. As the founder of the annual Kids Comic Con and curator of the Color of Comics Exhibition, Simmons has made significant contributions to the world of comics and is affiliated with esteemed organizations such as the Museum of Comic Cartoon Art.
With a passion for storytelling, Simmons has written several books, including "ART OF MAKING COMICS," which has gained recognition and is now available in libraries in Russia. Through his podcast, "Simmons Says," and newsletter, he shares valuable tips and techniques to help aspiring writers on their journey. As a consultant for the Christopher Barron Live Life Foundation and a former board member of the New York State Alliance for Arts and Education, Simmons continues to make a positive impact in the creative community.
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