William E. De Bevoise Jr. American Legion Post 1682 is the American Legion Post serving New Castle, part of Rockland County's Chapter 333. Members meet at 7:30pm on the third Thursday of each month at the post, which is just off Route 304 in New City, opposite Clarkstown Town Hall and the Clarkstown Police & Courts building. Veterans and visitors alike are welcome.
The post sponsors the annual Memorial Day Parade in New City and has a scholarship program for relatives of post members. Additionally, the post sponsors local high school students for the annual "Boys State" summer program, which provides teens with learning experience that focuses on how the American Constitutional form of government operates.
For information about the New City post or to join the post, call 845-634-9898 and ask for the Membership Chairman or the Post Commander. For information about renting the post facilities for a party, call 845-634-3272.