Since 1953 our company, Air-Wave Air Conditioning, has built an unmatched reputation for giving consumers in the Greater New York Area value with regard to sales, service, storage, and other air-conditioning needs and products. Providing window and through-the-wall room air conditioners for apartments, homes, offices, cooperatives, condos, health-care and other facilities is our only business. We have sold, serviced, overhauled, delivered and installed over 1 million air conditioners and combination heating and cooling units (which are also known as PTACs).
Air-Wave is the leading independent room air-conditoner specialist in New York. Our company literally introduced Friedrich units to the area. We offer unmatched service, competitive prices, and other extras, so that our customers realize they are getting full value for their air conditioning investment, and that is why we got a good deal of repeat business and countless referrals.