Ships of Exploration & Discovery Research, based in Santa Fe, NM, is a renowned organization dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of humanity's maritime past. For over three decades, their team of researchers has conducted extensive fieldwork both underwater and on land, exploring various aspects of history, from Columbus' voyages and the first European explorers in the Americas to the legacy of forgotten slave ships and the remnants of WWII planes and tanks submerged in tropical lagoons.
With a focus on uncovering hidden treasures and shedding light on historical events, Ships of Discovery has collaborated with experts in diverse fields, such as coral reef biologists, to map the effects of WWII on coral reefs. Their work has resulted in groundbreaking discoveries, including the identification of the earliest European shipwreck found in the New World and the examination of rock inscriptions left by sailors and travelers in the Turks Caicos Islands. Through their website, social media platforms, and various publications, Ships of Discovery invites enthusiasts to join them in their fascinating journey of exploration and share in their remarkable findings.
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