Rhizome Health is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinic located in Albuquerque, NM. Led by Dr. Raven-Joyce Harley, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, the clinic offers acupuncture, custom herbal prescriptions, auricular acupuncture, and dietary coaching to help patients achieve a harmonious and healthy life. With a focus on balancing energies within the body and nurturing inner strength, Rhizome Health aims to provide lasting improvements in health and well-being through TCM practices and the use of potent medicinal herbs and plants. Dr. Harley's expertise and commitment to patient care have garnered praise from individuals of all ages, including veterans and underserved individuals. Patients have reported experiencing renewed stamina, improved mobility, pain relief, and a healthier dietary lifestyle under her guidance. By combining acupuncture, herbal remedies, and lifestyle modifications, Rhizome Health aims to help patients achieve long-term benefits and improved overall life conditions.
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