Bordering on the Duranes Lateral...an irrigation ditch that preceded the Spanish entrance into the Rio Grande Valley, Old Town Farm has been in continuous agricultural use for at least 500 years. From Pueblo times, through Spanish colonial times, territorial times and into US statehood through today Old Town Farm has been farm land. Under present ownership it has evolved through equestrian boarding and training to produce gardening to a rustic event center in the heart of town.
An urban oasis, Old Town Farm hosts Bike In Coffee, Bike In Concerts and other Bike In Events. Our rural, relaxed atmosphere is perfect for country weddings, corporate meetings, fund raisers and other events. Pasture, gardens and the Red Barn offer guests a variety of options in planning events. Weekends at Bike In Coffee see many cyclists dropping in to recharge their bodies with garden fresh selections from the kitchen along with coffee, smoothies and more. Fresh produce from the garden is available and many backpacks are pedaled away filled with various veggies. Bike In Coffee - open on weekends from February thru mid-December - is also accessible from the I-40 bike trail that connects directly to the Bosque bike path.