VB Acupuncture was established in 2013 and currently operates in Colts Neck, NJ.
VB Acupuncture uses Acupuncture and Oriental medicine to provide a holistic treatment that focuses on physical, mental, and emotional aspects of an individual. Veronica meets her clients where they are in their process of growth and healing. Her treatments are individually crafted based on your specific needs and current symptoms to bring about optimal health. Though she successfully treats a range of health issues, her specialty is in sports injuries, pain management, women's health, and emotional well-being. Along with acupuncture, Veronica uses other Chinese healing techniques, such as Tui Na (a type of Chinese medical massage), cupping, moxibustion, nutritional and herbal therapy, and Qi Gong/Tai Ji in the management of pain and health conditions. Her goal is to motivate others to be kind and gentle to themselves while staying committed and consistent to their health.