Trilogy Films, led by Dawn Porter, is a renowned film production company based in Montclair Twp, NJ. Specializing in non-fiction content, they collaborate with global media brands such as ESPN, Netflix, HBO, PBS, Hulu, and AppleTV to create films that amplify, inform, and unite by revealing untold stories and offering new perspectives on the human condition.
With a portfolio that includes projects like "Luther Never Too Much," premiering at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival, and "The Lady Bird Diaries," which premiered at SXSW 2023 and is now available on Hulu, Trilogy Films showcases the complex humanity of iconic figures throughout history. Their work has garnered recognition, with Dawn Porter being named the American Film Institute's Guggenheim Symposium honoree in 2021, joining the ranks of esteemed filmmakers like Martin Scorsese and Spike Lee.
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