Performance Pain and Sports Medicine Performance Pain and Sports Medicine provides services that relieve chronic pain and enable patients to live a productive life without needing surgery. The practice has offices in Houston, Texas; and Raritan and Lawrenceville, New Jersey, bringing the considerable expertise of the multidisciplinary team to people across two states. The Performance Pain and Sports Medicine team understands that every patient is different and deserves a comprehensive, customized treatment plan. They provide expert therapies for an extensive range of musculoskeletal conditions, including back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, headaches and migraines, neuropathic (nerve) pain, and joint pain. Patients benefit from convenient opening hours, low or no wait times, VIP access to their doctor via direct email, one-on-one time with their specialist, and no double-booking. Performance Pain and Sports Medicine's team of interventional pain physicians takes the appropriate amount of time to diagnose patients. This means they deliver an accurate diagnosis that results in patients needing fewer injection therapies compared with many practices. Patients who follow their treatment program also benefit from far lower surgical rates. At their professional and comfortable office settings, the Performance Pain and Sports Medicine team uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment...