Dr. Kuo has practiced in many veterinary clinics in NJ/NY area, before establishing Riverdale Integrative Veterinary Care. Now she brings his unique style of combining conventional and holistic, complementary veterinary medicine to northern New Jersey.
Riverdale Integrative Veterinary care brings the best of conventional therapy and holistic treatment to our patients. Holistic medicine applies more natural therapies that support healing rather than just treat symptoms. Holistic services: Certified acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine Laser therapy Animal chiropractic Vitamin C infusion Vitamin cocktail SQ Ozone therapy Assis loop Nutritional supplements Food therapy Acupuncture treats functional problems that involve pain, non-infectious inflammation and neurologic dysfunction: Arthritis, hip dysplasia, joint & muscle pain Organ dysfunction Chronic disease Neurological disorders: seizures, paralysis Skin disorders, allergies, wound Gastrointestinal disorders Urogenital disorders Other services: Vaccinations Spays and neuters Emergency care Dental care Non-anesthetic dental cleaning Surgery Parasite prevention Digital X-ray Geriatric & Hospice care