Pro-City Driving School is a state-licensed sole proprietorship whose purpose is to provide very professional driving lessons to teenagers and new drivers alike, through a skillfully licensed driving instructor. My Professional Experience: For almost five years I've worked full-time as a Licensed Professional Driving Instructor with two of the busiest professional driving schools in New Jersey, teaching safe vehicle operation to 3000 teenagers and 1000 adults throughout northern New Jersey, probably registering close to 25,000 hours of behind the wheel instruction in less than five years! During this time period of almost five years, I've also attended over 60 hours of college level class work and several instructor workshops in driver education at City University in Jersey City, further improving my overall teaching techniques for behind the wheel instruction for the new driver. The combination of ongoing college level class work, professional driver education workshop participation, and the enormous amount of actual practice in training the new driver has help me create a very new comprehensive (yet very simple) six hour lesson design at Pro-City Driving School.