Mint boutique was opened after me, Simona that was a top model and owned 6 European boutiques in Nj named: Fuga in 6 locations in NJ. Vintage and high-end designer were my passion since I was a little girl and 13 years ago I made my dream come true and opened: Mint so you can finaly own a rare Chanel bag. Come to my museum of amazing and rare handbags, jewelry and clothing and bring your precious items to be sold. Lets live our dream together, see you soon, Simona
Mint is a boutique of amazing vintage and new high-end designer: handbags, jewelry and clothing. Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chloe, Balenciaga and many more under one roof all in MINT condition. Please come and view our rare collection which changes every day since we operate as a consignment store who keep items for 30 day only and receive goods every day. Hope to see you soon, Simona/Mint boutique