Milestone Church
Milestone Church is made up of people from all walks of life. We get together on a weekly basis to build genuine friendships, worship God, and discover life-changing truths from the Bible. Our Core Commitments are based on the solid foundation of Christ and his teachings. learn more about our BELIEFS and Christ's love We are all a work in progress - Our gathering is made up of imperfect people who range from being skeptical, to being a follower of Christ. Together, we create safe environments for each person to be authentic, open, and accountable as we take steps toward God. Our lives are richer as we experience the love of Christ and demonstrate His love toward others. Life is Better Connected - Built inside each of us is the desire to be loved, accepted, and cared for…to be connected. We believe that it is important to learn about God and encourage each person to have a real connection with Jesus and each other. We develop friendships at our church gatherings and small groups. Connected people invest in others - Jesus does not want the church to be an exclusive religious club. Since He wants everyone to be connected to Him, we invest in others by genuinely caring for, praying for, and encouraging them to take the next step toward Jesus. We can’t out give God - God has shown us the pattern for giving freely and generously through the gospel. We understand that everything is a blessing from God, so we generously give our time, abilities, and finances to live out and share the gospel. As we are generous, God leads us to be a blessing in our communities. What can I expect as a new guest? We think that coming to church should be a great experience for every generation and every culture! During our 75-90 minute worship service you will experience inspiring music, real to life teaching from the Bible, smiles and an encouraging environment. Although we take God and His Words seriously, we don't take ourselves too seriously. What should I wear? Milestone's style is casual. We believe that God cares more about what is in our hearts than the clothes we wear. Some people feel comfortable in a suit or dress while others are comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. What is available for kids? Parents need to have the time to refuel and kids need an age appropriate learning environment to learn more about God. We provide safe and fun learning environments for kids from infants through 6th grade. All of our volunteers are properly screened and trained. STEPPING STONES NURSERY is provided during the service for children up to 3 years old. Pier 252 Kids Meet in person every 1st and 3rd Sunday, and every Wednesday night online via Facebook. We count it a privilege to serve each week.