Established in 2007 by owner Samah Ghabour, Mega Title started small, serving locals, and has grown considerably in ten years, providing premier service to clients across New Jersey.
We are a New Jersey title insurance and search agency comprised of knowledgeable title producers and agents. We handle transactions for real estate lawyers, mortgage companies, corporations, and homeowners. Title searches give you the assurance that your title is not contaminated by incorrect liens, unreleased mortgages, incorrect or incomplete ownership structure, ownership issues affected by family events, document fraud or errors, transactions covered by invalid powers of attorney, inflated asset value, other party mortgages, in addition to other types of errors, omissions, or unauthorized transactions or documents. Mega Title will perform pre-purchase research on sellers and after-sale recording verification. In all of our New Jersey courthouse searches, we guarantee quick turnarounds and will send all documents by overnight mail to clients, attorneys, and lenders. Title insurance is mandatory and protects the owner and lender against defects in the title that might appear in the future. Mega Title gives you free access to a wide range of calculators, documents, forms, search links, and reports. All New Jersey title service firms charge the same rates by law, allowing you the flexibility to select a title company, like Mega Title, that offers the best in customer service and efficiency.