Lorraine Maita, MD is a recognized and award-winning holistic, functional and anti aging physician and author. She transforms people's lives by getting to the root cause of illness and reverses chronic illness through lifestyle change using the best of science and nature. She is known for her knowledge, caring and understanding. Dr. Maita's visits are long and comprehensive. She really listens and forms a partnership with her patients. Her approach is personalized and you are treated as the unique individual you are. Dr. Maita served as Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director for 3 Fortune 100 companies and is an Advisory Team Member for WOR radio, the #1 news/talk radio station in the New York Metropolitan area. She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and has over 25 years of experience in Preventive Health and Wellness, Internal, Occupational and Travel Medicine and Executive Health at Fortune 100 companies. She is also the author of Vibrance for Life: How to Live Younger and Healthier. The award-winning physician completed a fellowship in functional and anti-aging medicine, has visited age management clinics and spas both nationally and internationally and trained under many different functional, integrative and anti-aging philosophies to develop her own customizable health enhancement program. Dr. Maita specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, weight loss, nutrition, executive health, and nutritional and metabolic medicine...