Lookalike Productions is an Englewood-based film production company founded by identical twin filmmakers Lisa Lax and Nancy Stern Winters, along with their adopted triplet, Amanda Postel. With a passion for storytelling, creativity, and discovery, they specialize in producing documentaries, docu-series, short films, features, and branded content that tell compelling and important stories. Their latest film, "DEAR COACH STRINGER," showcases the remarkable legacy of Hall-of-Famer C. Vivian Stringer in women's basketball.
Known for their originality, unexpected narratives, and vibrant storytelling, Lookalike Productions aims to inspire and captivate audiences with their layered and complex productions. With a focus on telling stories that need to be told, they have worked on projects for notable organizations such as CBS, the Democratic National Convention, the Kennedy Center Honors, and the Special Olympics, among others. Through their work, Lookalike Productions strives to create impactful and thought-provoking content that resonates with viewers.
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