Internal medicine practitioners
Hilary Khademi
Hilary J. Khademi, PT, specializes in treating and evaluating a wide range of neurologic and orthopedic physical therapy patients.Before joining Summit Health, Ms. Khademi practiced with the Mount Sinai Medical Center Department of Rehabilitation Medicine in New York City. Her experience includes acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, and outpatient orthopedic therapy.As a ballet dancer, Ms. Khademi benefited from physical therapy for her injuries. She says, "My therapists helped me recover quickly and return to dancing. Their effectiveness, together with my experience working in a rural hospital in Africa, inspired me to pursue a career that allows me to help other people. Most of all," says Ms. Khademi, "I enjoy developing trusting professional relationships with my patients so that I can help them return to the activities for which they are passionate."Ms. Khademi is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association.When she is not working with her patients, Ms. Khademi enjoys spending time with her family and friends as well as dancing, yoga, and sports.