Hwa-Rang Warriors Taekwon-Do Studio is a school that teach ITF Taekwon-Do in the local area. Taekwon-Do is pefrect for children and adult of all ages. The founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi passed away in 2002 and we are learning the latest version of Taekwon-Do he left us with using Sine wave motion. When anybody hear about Taekwon-Do, they mostly think about the kicks that it is famous for. Taekwon-Do do have strong, and fast kicks but their is so much more. Taekwon-Do have so much more to offer such as patterns to breaking to ground defense. Our school is great for beginners and/or experience. The class will push you to your limits physically and mentally. The environment that you'll be in is positive and friendly with everybody motivating you to do your best in everything you do. The students that take class, are not your average students/children. They are active and a positive influence to anyone around them. Taekwon-Do students stand out among other people. They have the