This childcare center started in 1995, by Bianca Labye, originally named Apples and Books, Bugs and Sticks. In 2004, Dan and Vanessa Carey, both senior employees of the center, purchased the center and renamed it Apples and Books Learning Center. They continue to manage the center daily for the highest level of care for children.
Providing excellence in early learning since 1995! Certified and experienced teachers. Homemade meals are prepared fresh daily by our wonderful cook. Clean, safe and loving environment for your child. We care for infants, toddlers, preschool, full day kindergarten, before and after school care, including back-up care for all ages up to 4th grade. Summer camp for all ages up to 13 years old. Counselor-in-training program for older children. Recipient of Safety Award. Convenient to Bridgewater, Raritan, Readington and surrounding residents.