Abunda Life Medical Nutrition Testing Clinic is a premier assembly of united members devoted to educate, prevent and treat health issues utilizing a holistic approach as an alternative medical system. Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a form of alternative medicine based in special vital energy that guides bodily processes such as metabolism, reproduction, growth and adaptation seeking prevention or improvement of health conditions. Holistic homeopathic medicine states that health is more than, and not merely the absence of disease; it is a combination of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health. It is based on the very basic law of nature that the whole is made of independent parts. The holistic healing practitioners propagated the idea that health is a way of living, and one that exists in harmony with nature. It involves the care of body, mind and spirit. We have Natural Medicine Services. This approach initiated the services that have grown and developed into the Abunda Life Medical Nutrition Testing Clinic that is today improving the lifestyle of people. We believe that all people deserve the benefits of compassionate and superior service and exceptional health. We use the most advanced techniques available to provide results that enrich the lives of each of our clients.