I have proudly served the Boston area since 2009.
At Core Health Acupuncture, I use a gentle and effective style of acupuncture. It is well suited to first-time patients and those accustomed to acupuncture treatment. Effective treatment is provided for a wide variety of conditions: pain, digestive problems, insomnia, anxiety, stress-related issues, and many more. Consultation is free. Find out if acupuncture could be beneficial to you. Treatments use Kiiko Matsumoto's Japanese style of acupuncture. This style is relatively gentle, using very thin needles combined with moxibustion. An acupuncture treatment typically comprises needle therapy and moxibustion. Thin needles are inserted to harmonize the free flow of energy in the body's network of meridians. In addition, Moxa, which is a form of processed mugwort, is burned near acupoints to provide additional warmth and stimulation.