I opened the Acupuncture Center in 2012. Since then many changes have happened in an attempt to become more accessible to all people who are interested in the many benefits of Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine. For example, I am capable of billing your insurance if your policy covers acupuncture. Also, in addition to private treatments I have offered Community Acupuncture since 2013 two days per week at a flexible rate of $25-$45 per session. This makes Acupuncture accessible to folks who do not have insurance which covers. More changes are on the way in an effort to bring the highest quality of care to anyone who is interested.
All of my treatment plans are personalized to give my patients the best experience and results possible. If you suffer from chronic pain, acute illness or anything in between , I have several methods which will be able to help address your concerns. My goal is to assist you on your journey toward wellness. Here are some of the services that I currently offer: Acupuncture Moxibustion Tui na Chinese herbology Qigong Sound and Vibrational therapy