Castro's Back Room first opened in 1996 in Nashua, NH. Demand for quality cigars, superior customer service, and a comfortable place to enjoy a smoke forced Castro's to expand, adding a second location in Concord, NH not long after the original Nashua store opened. In 2004, Castro's Back Room opened their third location in Downtown Manchester, NH. In addition to offering the same amenities as the other Castro's locations, the Manchester location was able to have a full bar, offering customers a chance to pair their cigars with a wide array of different beverages to enhance their smoking experience.
Castro's Back Room is a traditional one-stop tobacconist that prides itself on having something for every palate. Castro's inventory includes premium hand-rolled cigars, pipes and pipe tobaccos, domestic and imported cigarettes, as well as many accessories for all of your smoking needs. The Manchester, NH location also features a full bar for you to unwind and enjoy a cigar at.