Martina Jaccarino is an expert at cannabis insurance defense as a result of her trial experience and work with the FDA. She has completed 16 jury trials for insurance companies and financial service institutions, has the expertise, and detailed knowledge in underwriting (constructing an insurance policy), and providing reasonably priced financial services. As a result of years in medical and legal industry, she has specific information on how the FDA approves cannabis products and knows exactly what cannabis producers need to do in order to get product FDA approved. Once you have FDA approval, you can sell your product in any pharmacy and store. She has also worked in-house for Farmers Insurance for 4 years and has a great understanding of the claims process and needs for claims professionals which allows to know how underwriters evaluate companies in emerging areas like cannabis. Martina has advised and helped many clients rate insurance for cannabis companies, and helped represent cannabis companies through personal knowledge and experience. Additionally, she has helped cannabis businesses obtain a bank account as it is a common misconception in cannabis community that you can not open one. Matrina Jaccarino is building bridges between cannabis and mainstream industries, between cannabis and banking, and cannabis and the FDA. She strives to help get cannabis businesses to the next level...