Let Us Help you Publish your Book! Classic Day/Peanut Butter Publishing is the oldest small, self-publishing business in the nation. We have, for over 35 years, guided authors through the publishing process, providing services necessary to allow hundreds of people to fulfill their dreams and accomplish their goals of producing and marketing their books. We work with many seasoned authors but provide additional support and focus to newer authors who may require some additional shepherding through the process. Our authors publish many types of books and we are experienced and flexible enough to produce a fantastic look and feel for virtually anything. Some people publish a textbook or a work that supports a speaking engagement. Some just want to produce a simple family book requiring a small number of copies. Others write biographies, self-help, instructional books or novels. In each case we can tailor our vast experience and personalized services to your individual needs and produce a great book you will be proud to have associated with your name. Writing a book requires a tremendous investment of time and authors have a great deal of emotional capital invested in this very personal effort. Some of our projects took their authors as much as eight years to finish, while others completed the project in just a few months...