Anthony Cools is a renowned hypnotist and entertainer based in Las Vegas, NV. With a career spanning over 15 years, he has established himself as the longest-running hypnosis show in Las Vegas, captivating audiences with his razor-sharp humor and mesmerizing performances. From his humble beginnings in Canada to his record-breaking run at the Grand Casino in Gulfport Biloxi, Anthony Cools has become a cult-like figure in the entertainment industry, leaving a lasting impression on all who witness his unique talents.
Having started his journey at the age of 12, Anthony's passion for entertaining led him to establish his own mobile DJ company and recording studio before venturing into the world of nightclubs. Since then, he has honed his skills and built a loyal following, delighting audiences with his captivating stage presence and comedic timing. With no end in sight to his illustrious career, Anthony Cools continues to amaze and entertain, leaving a lasting impact on the Las Vegas entertainment scene.
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