It literally started with a childhood dream. Two sisters dreaming since they were young children. Stephanie and Paige Melanson have been participating in pageants from eight and nine years old. Many times they were asked what they wanted to do when they grew up, the answer was always to have their own dance studio. This would be the answer every time they were asked the question. Over the years these sisters have professionally danced and educated young dancers. Through their studio they bring a passion to connect with and inspire dancers to fulfill their dreams.
At Dance Dynamics, our mission is to enrich the lives of young people through the beauty of dance. It is our goal to inspire dancers of all ages, while giving them life-long skills to be successful in their futures. Our goal is not only to teach dance, but to have an experience that will empower young dancers. At Dance Dynamics, we believe your children are our future, and dance is a wonderful outlet to grow in discipline, leadership, and technical abilities.