Omaha Painting Professionals and Tainted to Repainted are both subdivisions of the Kelly S. King Academy. Omaha Painting Professionals specializes in Residential Repaints. Our Interior Painting Services include Wall, Ceiling and Woodwork Painting, Wallpaper Removal and Faux Finishes and Decorative Painting. Tainted to Repainted Specializes in Cabinet Refinishing. We can take old outdated golden oak or other color stained cabinets and change the color to current trends like the dark deep rich brown colors, or we can paint or repaint cabinetry. We also offer specialized cabinet finishes from glazed, glazed distressed and designer finishes. The cost of hiring us is generally far less than replacing and even less than refacing. Our finishes generally give cabinets a look far more beautiful than you can get buying new. If you have new cabinets we can finish those too.