Dr Gary J Litle currently owns and operates APlus Chiropractic in Townsend, Montana. For over 25 years, Dr. Litle has served patients in Townsend, Broadwater county and the surrounding areas. Patients appreciate Dr. Litle's extensive experience and expertise. Call: 406-266-4245 Apluschiro.net Honor graduate - Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Minneapolis, MN. Post graduate studies include Completion of Chiropractic Orthopedics Program as well as many hours of continuing education classes. Bachelors degree in business and finance from University of Montana in Missoula, Montana. Dr. Litle has previously been elected and held a position on Montana State Board of Chiropractors. Current license to practice in the State of Montana Dr. Litle has served on the Board of Directors; State Bank of Townsend and continues to serve on the Advisory Board.
Dr. Litle believes patients have different needs and conditions that require individualized treatment and plan of care. The goal is better function, pain free living and quality of life. With over 25 years of experience and expertise, Dr. Litle is the doctor you can trust.