Elite Spine Plus was founded with the intent to help the community live a full and enjoyable life free of pain. Our aim is to provide our patients with the most efficient and cost-effective treatment to relieve their aches and pains.
Chiropractic adjustment - rehabilitative exercise - therapeutic modality including cold laser, ultrasound, IASTM - Preventative and Proactive pain relief and sports medicine treatment - Non Invasive, Holistically focused care - In Network coverage Helping you own your today and enjoy your tomorrow free of pain with the most effective and cost-efficient treatments. We practice both Active and Wellness care. Active Care - Includes Relief, Correction, and Stabilization of a condition. This care requires frequent visits that reduce in frequency as the patient improves. In addition to the chiropractic adjustments, treatment during this phase of care usually requires additional services such as therapeutic modalities (EMS, IASTM and ultrasound) as well as rehabilitative exercises. Wellness care - Also known as wellness or preventative care, requires periodic check-up visits in order to prevent future relapses and/or maintain the health status that was achieved during active care. Visit our website for more info, we look forward to treating you.