Most of the city government departments are located in City Hall, which is in the heart of downtown St. Charles. Departments in City Hall include the Community Development Department (room 303, 636-949-3222), which handles code enforcement ranging from overgrown weeds and graffiti to overflowing dumpsters and mosquitos. Residents can find the city clerk there, who can register voters or provide information about filing for office.
The St. Charles City Council holds council meetings the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7pm and for a work session, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm. The various appointed boards and commissions also meet at City Hall.
Visit for information on your council member.
Office of Administration: room 300, 636-949-3262
Cable TV: room 403, 636- 949-3288
City Clerk: room 402, 636-949-3282
Economic Development: room 300, 636-949-3231
Finance: room 203, 636-949-3208
Human Resources: room 301, 636- 949-3232
Information Technology: room 200, 636-255-6147
Legal: room 401B, 636-949-3274
Public works: room 202, 636-949-3237
Streets department emergency after hours, 636-949-3366