Mirela D Marcu MD - SLUcare Physicians Monteleone Hall is a psychiatry practice located in St. Louis, MO. Dr. Mirela Marcu specializes in treating patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse disorder, dual diagnoses, and immigrants who have been victimized by political unrest. She offers cultural and community psychiatry treatment for individuals who are homeless or underprivileged and have persistent and severe mental illness. Dr. Marcu is an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Saint Louis University School of Medicine and is a member of various professional associations.
In her SLUCare practice, Dr. Marcu has been treating torture survivors since 1997. She is dedicated to interprofessional education and the impact of collaborative care on the quality of patient care. Dr. Marcu is board-certified in Psychiatry and Neurology and Addiction Medicine. She has received numerous awards and recognition, including being listed as one of the Best Doctors in St. Louis Magazine multiple times.
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