The Korean Martial Arts HapKiDo Academy (KMA) is a renowned institution affiliated with the Global HapKiDo Association, offering exceptional martial arts training since its establishment in 1979 by Senior Grand Master Hee Kwan Lee. With a focus on practical self-defense techniques, KMA provides comprehensive instruction in strikes, joint locks, throws, chokes, and pressure point targeting, enabling practitioners to effectively navigate various combat scenarios. Moreover, KMA emphasizes the development of positive personality traits, including self-discipline, compassion, and respect, fostering a supportive and encouraging learning environment for students of all ages.
As the proud home of the Global HapKiDo Association, an international martial arts organization founded by Senior Grand Master Hee Kwan Lee, the Korean Martial Arts Hap Ki Do Academy in Liberty, MO, offers a holistic approach to martial arts training. With an emphasis on self-improvement and control over one's actions, KMA instills self-confidence in its students through patient and respectful instruction. The academy's close-knit community encourages camaraderie and motivates individuals to strive for excellence, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a comprehensive martial arts experience.
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