Heart Rock Healing Acupuncture is a soothing oasis in St Louis where people come to escape from the daily grind and hit the "reset button" for their health's sake. Each client receives an individualized acupuncture treatment based on their health goals and unique constitution using a holistic approach to health care. Come and experience the feeling of bliss and contentment after a relaxing session using this ancient medicine to treat your body and mind. In addition to acupuncture treatments, we also tailor Chinese herbal formulas for specific health concerns, make lifestyle recommendations and dietary modifications so you can optimize your well-being and improve your quality of life. We offer a wide variety of treatment options including: gua sha, cupping, and tunia massage. Reduce stress & chronic pain, decrease anxiety and depression, boost fertility, lose weight, relieve neck and back pain and bring balance to your body using the healing potential you have harnessed inside of you. Heart Rock Healing Acupuncture is proud to serve St. Louis and the surrounding areas: Soulard, Richmond Heights, Tower Grove, Maplewood, Lindenwood, Clayton, Webster Groves, University City, Affton, Forest Park, Kirkwood, Creve Coeur, St Charles, St Peters, and the rest of St Louis County.
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