Cartoon Works Ron Wheeler is an award-winning cartoonist based in Kansas City, MO, offering a wide range of fun and creative cartoon resources for pastors, Christian schools, youth leaders, children's directors, Christian parents, and homeschoolers. With engaging gospel messages wrapped in cartoon humor, their digital materials include Christian clip art images, comic strips, coloring books, puzzles, games, animated Bible stories, Learn to Draw Christian videos, and more, all aimed at blessing families and enhancing ministries.
Through their non-profit partner, Helping Hands Ministries, Cartoon Works Ron Wheeler accepts donations to help put the gospel message into the hands of people who need to know the love of Jesus. With tens of millions of digital and print versions of Ron's cartoon tracts distributed worldwide, their mission is to reach a hurting culture and share the good news of Jesus through practical and humorous cartoons that further God's Kingdom.
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