While studying a Tougaloo, My major was Chemistry with Emphasis in International Studies. I think I graduated Magna Cum Laude. I was a Luard Morse Scholar which is offered by the English Speaking Union of the United States. It provides $25,000 merit awards for the top students attending UNCF institutions or Howard and Hampton Universities, to spend a semester of study at the English university of their choice. At the time I was there, it was 2 semesters. I spent my junior year at the University of Manchester in Manchester, England. I also did the 6 week summer immersion in Cuernavaca, Mexico the summer prior to leaving for England to fulfill Spanish 2 requirement. The Summer after England, I completed research aLucent Technologies, New Jersey campus in chemical engineering. education after Tougaloo: University of TN, College of Dentistry, Doctor of Dental Surgery. Ware Familh dental happy one year after all this study! Finally doing what we love! I'm Taking care of the public,
As a practice, we work hard to get you (the patient seen, cared for, and discharged as quickly as possible while gently addressed ssing their chief complaint and elimjnating it.