Since 1993, I have performed as one of the premiere natural real bearded Santa Claus in the nation. I have performed in Minneapolis and St Paul at too many varied events to mention. From a company event with over a thousand adults in a hotel ball room to a deployed military family gathering in a helicopter hanger; from ringing bells 20 hours for Salvation Army to being in a Christmas production on a major theater stage; from being the surprise guest at a wedding to delivering the ring at a wedding proposal; from taking the first Santa picture of an hour old baby to taking the first Santa picture with a elderly veteran. Even with hundreds of events, parties, visits, galas, parades, interviews, fund raisers, photo shoots, and media work, I have continued to volunteer time to the community and especially those challenged with economic, physical, and mental challenges. My time with the children's hospitals, churches, out reach programs, and the Salvation Army are my all time best moments.
Santa Carlucci and Cheryl Claus provide a full production company that provides all the services you need for your next Christmas holiday event. Options include reindeer sleigh rides, face painters, musicians, photographer, event planning / catering, balloonists, singers, crafts, and more.