World Taekwondo Academy, established in 1969 by Legendary Grandmaster Byung Yul Lee, is a renowned martial arts school that has produced thousands of champions in both sport and life. With instructors trained by Grandmaster Lee himself, the academy offers a range of programs for the entire family, including Lil' Dragons, Children's Taekwondo, Teen and Adult Taekwondo, as well as After School Pickup and Summer Camp options. Through their dedication to the legacy of Grandmaster Lee, World Taekwondo Academy continues to impact and inspire lives, making it one of the nation's top Taekwondo clubs.
As the nation's number one Taekwondo club for two consecutive years, World Taekwondo Academy has become a symbol of excellence in the martial arts world. With certified locations across various cities, including Maple Grove, Plymouth, Annandale, and more, the academy offers a comprehensive range of programs and competition teams for individuals of all ages and skill levels. With a rich history and a commitment to producing champions, World Taekwondo Academy is a place where individuals can embark on their road to success.
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