MIS Amigos Preschool is a renowned Spanish immersion program located in St. Paul, MN, offering full Spanish immersion for children from 6 weeks old. With a team of diverse, native Spanish teachers, the program provides an authentic and safe learning environment where children can develop cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity through bilingualism. MIS Amigos Preschool is dedicated to quality, consistency, and integrity, preparing children for future success in school and beyond.
Through an engaging teaching framework developed over 20 years, MIS Amigos Preschool offers a variety of weekly kid-friendly themes, music and movement classes, and lesson plans that support age-appropriate learning. The program also incorporates the STEAM framework, providing immersive experiences and hands-on learning activities. With a focus on outdoor play and unforgettable trips, MIS Amigos Preschool aims to spark a lifelong love for learning and exploration in every child.
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