Tranquil Waters Acupuncture and Wellness was organized to fill a void within in the health care field and to answer the question, what is health? Is it merely the absence of illness? Or is there something more that we all strive for? We recognize that you have a voice in your own health and wellness journey and we will work with you to customize your health and wellness journey while making sure it is realistic and effective.
Tranquil Waters Acupuncture and Wellness is the Twin Cities premier holistic clinic dedicated to providing real-world solutions for your health and wellness. We use the age-old wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote balance, reduce stress and create wellness with an individualized approach. The Tranquil Waters way is to help you achieve your desired results through a collaborative partnership. We realize and emphasize the fact that you have a say in your journey towards health. As your wellness partner, we work with you address your immediate needs and strengthen overall health by considering each person as a whole - physical, emotional and spiritual.