In the last twenty years I have found that there are natural ways to truly activate and accelerate your body's healing process and assist you to not only get out of pain, but to reduce or eliminate your need for medications. I am Sandra Jones, folks call me Sandy, and I have helped thousands of people to become pain-free with my drug-free approach. As a Certified Rolfer, Classical Homeopath, Craniosacral specialist and Functional Nutritionist, I create an bio-individualized program that helps you get back to living the life you were meant to live!
Bodywork - Rolfing & DNM: Chronic pain, posture issues, shoulder and neck pain, structural imbalances Homeopathy - Challenges with migraines, seasonal allergies, attention issues, chronic fatigue, emotional discomfort Functional Nutritionist - Sugar and Carb Cravings, Weight issues, Depression, Digestion and Sleep issues